

Carroll Taylor



Carroll Taylor


I'm a retired teacher who cannot seem to quit teaching. Since my house is in the middle of the woods, surrounded by critters that creep and crawl, I don't need to go very far to find inspiration for my writing. Sometimes my inspiration comes to me on two, four, six, or eight legs. With my mind still in the teaching world, I can't pass up a chance to blend the best of two passions -- reading and learning about nature. I want my readers to enjoy the adventures of my characters, Sissie Stevenson and Spud McKenna, in rural Georgia and appreciate their love for reptiles, amphibians, and spiders.

I graduated from Tift College with a BA in French. Later I added a graduate degree in English and French. Years later I completed an EdS degree in Educational Leadership for good measure. I spent over 40 years teaching French and English in high school and at Columbus State University. Oh, the essays! Now it's my time to write. I hope you enjoy your visit in Slippery Branch, Georgia! 


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Welcome to Slippery Branch, Georgia!

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